Thursday, January 29, 2009
The repair for the Grundig S350DL worked!!
The answer in the Yahoo S350DL group was correct. You have to tighten the tuner screws. Take the screws off off the radio on the outside, Don't forget the ones in the battery case and the antenna. Remove the knobs on front of the radio. Once open, you have to remove the 3 screws that hold the display part to the radio. Then you can access the two plastic tuning knobs that have a screw in them. Tighten the screws. Not only does it solve the display problem, it also helps with the drifting of the knob. Someone on usenet suggested using a few dabs of fingernail polish on the tuning screws to keep them from loosening again.
The radio not only works fine now, the tuner wheel doesn't drift on it's own anymore. It stays put. It is a bit more stiff to turn but it works fine now.
I'm happy.
Grundig S350DL display problems.
I was having a good time with this radio on the AM bands. I'll see if I can google a fix.
And I was dumb enough to throw out the Radio Shack receipt for it.
Edit after searching Yahoo Grundig S350 group
A possible fix from that group and I quote from message 4460
> okay guys, i had the same problem ad i have a fix, you gotta open up
> the radio and then you will see two plastic wheels with string on
> them, they will have screws in the middle of them, if you tighten up
> the screws it will fix the problem.
So I'll put the S350DL under the operating screwdriver later tonight or tomorrow. Worse thing is I trash the radio totally.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
AM Dx log 1/28/2009
AM Station Dxing - 5:45-6:30pm 1/28/2009
Leesville, SC using Grundig S350DL radio internal ferrite antenna
630 - WMAL Washington, DC
650 - WSM Nashville, TN
720 - WGN Chicago, IL
790 - WNIS Norfolk, VA
870 - WWL New Orleans, LA
880 - WCBS New York, NY
1030 - WBZ Boston, MA
1040 - WHO Des Moines, IA
1070 - WFNI Indianapolis, IN - Pacers sports talk
1190 - WOWO Fort Wayne, IN
1210 - WPHT Philadelphia, PA
1290 - WTKS Macon, GA
1370 - WGIV Pineville, NC - Charlotte area gospel station
1510 - WLAC Nashville, TN
stations I haven't heard before
820 - WWBA Pinellas Park, FL - talk radio serving the Tampa area
1070 - WAPI Birmingham, AL - Alabama comes in real good here at dusk, talk radio station
1170 - KFAQ Tulsa, OK - talk station 50kw
1190 - WIXE Monroe, NC - airing an online radio auction where callers can call up and sell their stuff. Should only be 70 watts after sunrise but suspect they are running on day power 5000 watts right now. (6:10pm)
Dang, the house defeats bill to delay DTV transition
WASHINGTON (AP) - The House has defeated a bill to postpone the upcoming transition from analog to digital television broadcasting by four months to June 12.
House Republicans succeeded in scuttling a bill to delay the transition, which is scheduled for Feb. 17, less than two days after the Senate unanimously passed the plan.
The defeat is a setback for the Obama administration and Democrats on Capitol Hill, who fear too many Americans are not ready for the switchover.
The Nielsen Co. estimates more than 6.5 million U.S. households that rely on analog television sets to pick up over-the-air broadcast signals could see their TV sets go dark next month if the transition is not postponed.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
WWCR on 6430 instead of 3215???
WWRB has no trouble with 3215 when they are on it earlier.
Congress poised to delay end of analog TV to June
Myway article
WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress is poised to grant a four-month delay in the upcoming shutdown of analog TV broadcasts, though broadcasters still will be allowed to go all-digital earlier if they want.
The House was expected to vote late Tuesday or Wednesday on a bill that would shift the analog TV shutdown to June 12 from Feb. 17. The Senate unanimously approved the idea Monday night, in a victory for the Obama administration and Democratic lawmakers who argue that too many Americans wouldn't be ready to get digital broadcasts by Feb. 17.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Three new AM stations recieved.
1410 - WING Dayton, OH - ESPN radio 5000 watts at night
810 - WCKA Jacksonville, AL - Alabama 810 country music, 50000 watts daytime-500 watts night
850 - WXJC Birmingham, AL - Gospel station, 50000 watts daytime/1000 watts night
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Shortwave DX 0200-0237 UTC 1/26/2009
Really good conditions from 12000khz down and tons of foreign language stations and music coming in. A real good night for listening.
0200-0230 UTC
2500 - WWV time signal
3145 - WWRB Overcomer Ministry with Ralph Stair
3185 - WWRB preaching
3215 - WWCR 1 - playing some weird music
3330 - CHU time signal
5000 - WWV time signal, lots of interference
5025 - CUBA Radio Rebelde playing music spanish
5050 - WWRB - more preaching
5070 - WWCR 3 - weak signal program is intolerant talk radio
5890 - WWCR 4 - Scriptures for America
5920 - WBOH - preaching via Australian accent, comes and goes
5935 - WWCR 2 - Melissa Scott preaching
5950 - TAIWAN - great signal via WYFR
5985 - WYFR Family Radio Harold Camping
6000 - CUBA Radio Habana
6090 - ANGUILLA - Melissa Scott preaching
6140 - CUBA Radio Habana
6240 - RUSSIA Voice of Russia
7455 - WYFR Family Radio
7505 - WRNO music playing
7811 - AFRTS USB
9505 - WYFR Family Radio
9580 - CHINA - RCI in Chinese playing some nice Chinese music
9680 - WYFR Family Radio
11805 - CHILE?? - CVC International?? good music in Spanish
11855 - WYFR Family Radio
0230 UTC Additions
6010 - SWEDEN Voice of Sweden
6175 - VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam (via Canada)
Really good blog article about shortwave
Quote from blog article
My son and I went to one of our favorite spots in town today: Mind Port. Mind Port is worth visiting if you're anywhere within the northwest corner of Washington State. I wouldn't drive 200 miles to see it. But I'd drive 100 miles. There are truckloads of cool hands-on exhibits, many of which are science based. All of which are either engaging, fun, mentally challenging, odd or a combination of these. One exhibit was a shortwave radio. We spent about 30 minutes running through different frequencies to find signals. We had a blast! It reminded me of fossil digging: you have to sort through a bunch of garbage to find something of value*.
Entire article at link above, it's a really good read.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Is Radio Shack following in the steps of Circuit City??
They seem to be fixated on the digital TV switch & cellphones.And hate to tell em, there's no money in that for them.
Get back to running some decent sales Radio Shack.
A few more AM stations off the list.....
Radio: Grundig S350DL internal ferrite antenna, inside location. This is a very directional radio using the internal antenna
1700 - WEUP Huntsville, AL: ad for settling your debt call today 1-800-997-5882, ad for something out of Alabama, ad for Alabama A&M basketball <11:50pm> interesting to catch two out of Huntsville, AL tonight
1550 - WLOR Huntsville, AL: playing "hey carrie ann" supposed to be only 44 watts at night - 11:24EST 0424 UTC An interesting thread about that radio station here being Dxed from Indiana
1540 - KXEL Waterloo, IA: Weak but you can't miss Brother Stair, he's everywhere! 50,000 watt station - The might talk about him being a cult, but where is the mainstream christian message on shortwave????? 11:29 EST 0429 UTC
1570 - just a nasty tone moving the radio isn't helping. Tone also showing up the Grundig G6 but not as strong. (11:31 EST 0431 UTC)
1580 - this is a real dogfight, I bet if I sat on this all night long, I could log at least 3 stations. Soul, music, news, ESPN radio, Michael Savage, this frequency has it all. But no positive ID. Several attempts.
1480 - several stations here but I could swear I heard the voice of Groucho Marx (11:45PM EST 0445 UTC)
1670 - Spanish music and voice. (11:43 EST, 0443 UTC)
What's left I haven't received on AM frequencies yet????
540, 900, 1270, 1280, 1330, 1340, 1350, 1450, 1480, 1490, 1570, 1580, 1610, 1670, 1680
(down to 15)
Friday, January 23, 2009
AM frequencies I have not been able to DX from my home location
Up to 143 total stations copied since early December 2008. States that I have not gotten reception from east of the Mississippi River (4 Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire), I'll have to get lucky to get one of those states. 540 & 1700
For AM Dxing, the primary radio is now the Grundig S350DL which is great on AM and FM and *ucks on shortwave. Unless you want Cuba, Russia, or religion, you dont' want a S350 for SWL
Morning Dxing on shortwave
1230-1315 1/23/2009 all in English unless noted
QSL: Leesville, SC Radio: Grundig G6
7850 - SHU
7811 - AFRTS talkig about Obama & his blackberry
7455 - WYFR preaching
7385 - WHRI preaching
6890 - WYFR Family Radio, bible reading and signoff at 1245
6180 - CUBA Radio Habana in Spanish
6085 - WYFR Family Radio in Spanish
6000 - CUBA Radio Habana in Spanish
5935 - WWCR #2- Melissa Scott preaching; booming signal
5920 - WBOH - religious singing
5755 - WEWN - Catholic radio, SUnrise morning program
5745 - Radio Marti - Cuban jamming in background; in Spanish but they were
talking about basketball due to all the basketball players mentioned
3185 - WWRB, overcomer with Ralph Stair
1300UTC additions
6020 - AUSTRALIA - weak but listenable. talking about Burma refugees
9570 - CHINA - about web pornography
11885 - CHINA talking about the global recession
15105 - ROMANIA - coming in week, discussion on news issues
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Learning Spanish
Too bad they can't use google to translate live spoken spanish.
5 more AM stations to add to the DX log
690 - WOKV Jacksonville, FL - listened to in car while driving daughter to school today. Positive ID with weather, traffic, and tons of commercials.
600 - WBWL Jacksonville, FL - Radio Disney 600, caught station ID at the bottom of the hour right after logging 690, surprised that Disney puts this much effort into playing music on AM radio.
980 - WTEM Washington, DC - Washington Wizards basketball game. I remember when I was a kid, this was WRC radio.
800 - WJAT Swainsboro, GA - got a positive ID on this one but it was weak as they only are supposed to be putting out 500 watts. This is only 104 miles from my house as the crow flies. I could not find a website for this small station.
1390 - WXTC Charleston, SC - promoting itself as "Classic Gold 1390". I couldn't identify this one last night but with the help of some local commercials, it became much easier. They must have just switched formats because a google search shows nothing for this station and searching by call letters shows a site under construction. Finally gave out call letters at the top of the hour. Puts out 5000 watts a night so probably is Charleston's most powerful night station. About 115 miles as the crow flies from my house.
Grundig Satellit 800 radio available for $910.63 at Porter's Electronics

I can't believe I saw this price while looking at shortwave radios on
Price + Shipping | Condition | Seller Information | Ready to buy? |
$889.99 + $20.64shipping | New |
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Clear Channel to lay off 1600 workers
The company it is laying off more than 1,800 workers -- that's about nine percent of its workforce.
The CEO of the nation's largest owner of radio stations blames the economy.
Clear Channel owns six stations in Columbia, SC and at least 17 in South Carolina. These stations include local powerhouses WCOS AM & FM and WVOC out of Columbia.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Bad bad night for shortwave listening
6090 always comes in thought... So if you enjoy listening to the preaching of Melissa Scott and Gene Scott, you won't be disappointed.
Not much better on the AM band either tonight.
Maybe an early bed night for a change unless something comes up.
Just noticed, Radio Shack hasn't had a shortwave radio sale in 6 weeks

Full price for the discontinued Grundig G5 ($149), as well as full price for the G6 and S350DL.
Come on Shack, you can lower that price on the G5 so I can snatch one to see if it works on LSB hams on 80 meters (3500-4000khz) or not...... You can do it!!!!
Yea yea, I know the Kaito De1103 is basically the same radio as the G5 but 60-70 bucks cheaper.
AM Dxing logs - 11:45pm to 12:40am 1/20/2009
Radio: Grundig S350DL using the ferrite antenna
Location: Leesville, SC
Notes: 900-970 was a real battleground tonight
550 - WDUN Gainesville GA - local news at the top of the hour, positive ID
640 - WGST Atlanta GA - Fox news and then some local traffic reports
650 - WSM Nashville TN - what else? country music
660 - WFAN New York, NY - sports positive ID
680 - WCNN Atlanta GA - Espn radio with positive ID at the top of the hour.
Usually WPTF out of Ralieght is here at my QSL but I was able to rotate the
Grundig S350DL to tune out WPTF
720 - WGN Chicago IL - positive ID, weather and traffic report.
740 - WFZM Canada - show called "Midnight Blue" playing music with female DJ
750 - WSB Atlanta GA- Michael savage, this station always booms in here due
to being only 157 miles away
780 - WBBM Chicago IL - positive ID followed by news talking about Gitmo
830 - WCCO Minneapolis MN - positive ID news radio 830 WCCO, usually 830
WTRU out of Greensboro NC blocks this here. The very directional ferrite antenna with the Grundig S350DL allowed reception of this. Was talking Minnesota Gophers basketball
830 - WTRU Greensboro NC - turning the antenna kicked off WCCO and brings this relgious station in
840 - WHAS Louisville KY - positive ID chanting call signs followed by talk
about 2 border agents having their sentences commuted. Michael Savage.
870 - WWL New Orleans LA - casino commercial followed by station ID
880 - WCBS New York NY - weather with a high of 30 for Tue and traffic, snow
removal problems at the bridges
890 - WLS Chicago IL - commercial from a 1985 Bears player for a lawyer
910 - WEPG South Pittsburg TN - "The River" with positive ID playing country
music. This station is supposed to be only 95 watts at night and 5000 watts
daytime so I believe they are under their daytime power.
930 - UNKNOWN - 3 stations fighting it out here but didn't get a positive ID from none of them. Good music though.
940 - WMIX Mount Vernon IL - all I got was a positive station ID and then fade out. For the last week, WCPC out of Houston MS had control of this for the past week.
950 - UNKNOWN - I could swear I heard a time signal on this freq with a spanish language station in the background. Some other stations also heard but no positive ID. Another dogfight here.
960 - WFIR Roanoke VA - positive ID talking about Skytracker forecaster
990 - WNML Knoxville TN - the Sports Animal, Fox Sports
Monday, January 19, 2009
Just a handful of AM Dxing stations received - 1/19/2009 Dusk
940 - WCPC Houston, MS - serves the Tupelo market playing relgious music. Been on a lot lately and supposed to be transmitting only on 250 watts but just too strong here for that. Suspect they are on daytime power of 50000 watts
1060 WKNG Tallapoosa, GA - classic country hits, town is about 30 miles west of Atlanta.
1160 WCRT Donalson, TN - just outside of Nashville playing "Faith and Family" with Richland Land.
1170 WACV Montgomery, AL - playing Dr Laura show
1370 WGIV Pineville, NC - serves the Charlotte market. Black gospel music
1390 UNIDENTIFIED - claimed to be Classic Gold 1390 but no other identification noted and a google search didn't come up with anything. Playing classic hits.
WCPC Tupelo,MS 940
Addon: According to their website, they brag about being 50,000 watts so maybe the FCC database is out of date.
WCPC AM 940 kHz DA2 Nighttime B B LIC HOUSTON MS US 6L-20070822AED 0.25 kW 71291 CAJUN RADIO CORPORATION
Sunday, January 18, 2009
AM frequencies I have not been able to DX
I probably can get 1250-1580 wiped out by driving around rural areas with my Grundig 350SL and with some patience, bag em. A lot of patience.
As I am typing this, 2 states are fighting over 930 AM, a sports station and a music station. The music station sounds really interesting, it's like the old days again on AM. This is at 2:54AM Sunday morning.
My criteria for counting a station as a successful DX is I might hear the call letters or I must hear the name of the city and other identifying marks I can google to conform the station. I then get information on them, how far it as the crow flies, how many watts they are putting out, and in what direction.
Right, I have DXed 124 AM stations during the past month. In 23 states.
The States I have DXed
Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, SOuth Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Iillinois, Iowa, Oklahoma, Colorado
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Added a bunch of new links related to shortwave radio
Yes Virginia, they still do play English music on shortwave
They have a signal on 6055 khz with a signal direction slightly different than 6110. Those shows include the "Wolfman Jack show" from 2130-2230 UTC Mon-Fri. But that puts its on the air here in the east coast at 0430pm to 0530pm, not exactly the best time for the signal to travel from Lithuania.
They even run commercial ads, they are running one for radios for European truckers.
Hearing it fine right now with some fading but no interference just using the whip antenna on the Grundig G6.
SW loggings 1215-1315 UTC 1/17/2009
Grundig G6 using 50 foot random wire antenna
Sure not a lot on the mornings here in the East Coast
3185 - WWRB (Good) preaching
6070 - CANADA CFRB (good)
6120 - RADIO JAPAN via Canada (good)
6890 - WYFR (very good) - good health program called "For the Record" until they cut off at 1245u
7310 - CANADA RCI in spanish - playing some good music
7455 - WYFR (fair) - signal was faded hard listen
9570 - CHINA via Cuba (very good)
9625 - CANADA CBC NQ (fair)
9650 - SOUTH KOREA (fair)
11775 - WLD Univ Network (good) - Melissa Scott preaching
11885 - CHINA via Canada (good)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Republicans block delay in digital TV transition
The bill was defeated even after President-elect Barack Obama on Friday urged Congress to postpone the Feb. 17 transition. There have been mounting concerns that too many Americans who rely on analog TV sets to pick up broadcast channels won't be ready. The federal program that subsidizes converter boxes for such viewers ran out of money this month.
But Senate Republicans fear a delay would cause consumer confusion and deprive public safety agencies of chunks of the airwaves that will be freed by the switchover.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A good 15 minutes with The Voice of Croatia - 7375khz

Grundig G6 using whip antenna, Leesville SC
*finding gas from different places then Russia through Ukraine, claims Croatia is better off than some other Eastern European countries*
*Top EU countries planning on meeting with Ukraine and Russia to resolve the natural gas shipments*
*Croatia says industry has been affected big time by the lack of natural gas supplies**
*Croatia marks 15th anniversary of it's independence. They call it the "Homeland war"
*Croatian president holds a Christmas and New Year's party*
*war crime trials against Serbs postponed during the "Homeland war"
"Israeli offensive against Gaza has entered it's 3rd week"
"Eu cuts interest rates on Euros to 2 percent, Eurozone has been in recession since 2007", key interest rate lowest rate since 2005"
"Sports - tennis news about Croatians"
"weather forecast, party sunny skys, highs of -10 to -5 C in interior and 0 to -5 along the coast"
"Story about largest town along the coast of Croatia, Split"
recap of todays headlines....
JOin us again tomorrow for "Croatia today" followed by times to listen
playing Croatian music at 0315 UTC

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Great Reuters article on shortwave radios
Note: And many that were on shortwave are now only on the internet.
Note: I love shortwave but I disagree with this. Often the news is only on top of the hour if that. US shortwave broadcasters are dominated by religious groups and rarely ever give out the news. Honestly for the news, listen to AM.
Note: Err, not quite true... shortwave reception varies greatly upon location, time, and atmospheric conditions.
Note: or lower or higher.....
A perfectly serviceable radio sells for as little as $30, but more expensive models are better at pulling in fainter signals.
Big list of shortwave stations heard in English, 1/14/2009
From 0000 to 2400 UTC 1/14/2009
72 stations logged (I had a lot of time today)
English only - in frequency order
3185 United States WWRB
3215 United States WWCR #1
3215 United States WWRB
3330 Canada CHU
3885 Ham Ham - AM
5000 United States WWV
5070 United States WWCR #3
5110 United States WBCQ
5745 United States WYFR
5875 United Kingdom BBC
5890 United States WWCR #4
5900 Bulgaria Radio Bulgaria
5920 United States WBOH
5920 Japan NHK
5935 United States WWCR #2
5950 United States WYFR
5960 China China R. Intl
5965 Vatican City Vatican Radio
6000 Cuba Radio Habana
6015 Romania Radio Romania Intl
6020 China Radio China Intl
6030 Romania Radio Romania Intl
6040 China China R. Intl
6055 Spain R. Exterior De Espana
6060 Cuba Radio Habana
6070 Canada CFRB
6090 Anguilla WLD Univ Network
6105 Monaco Trans World Radio
6115 China China R. Intl
6115 Romania Radio Romania Intl
6140 Cuba Radio Habana
6145 Japan NHK
6175 Germany Overcomer Ministry
6190 China China R. Intl
6200 Bulgaria Radio Bulgaria
6240 United States WYFR
6915 United States WYFR
7105 Romania Radio Romania Intl
7145 Romania Radio Romania Intl
7180 Romania Radio Romania Intl
7240 Germany Deutsche Welle
7250 Vatican City Vatican Radio
7285 China China R. Intl
7315 United States WHRI Angel 1
7335 Russia Voice of Russia
7345 Czech Republic Radio Prague
7360 Vatican City Vatican Radio
7400 Bulgaria Radio Bulgaria
7415 United States WBCQ
7455 United States WYFR
7465 United States WHRA Angel 5
7465 Albania Radio Tirana
7465 United States WWCR #1
7811 United States AFRTS
7850 Canada CHU
9455 United States WEWN
9550 Cuba Radio Habana
9580 Australia Radio Australia
9690 Romania Radio Romania Intl
9755 Romania Radio Romania Intl
9800 Monaco Trans World Radio
10000 United States WWV
11520 United States WEWN
11655 Netherlands Radio Netherlands
11775 Anguilla WLD Univ Network
11805 Canada Radio Canada Intl
11805 Netherlands Radio Netherlands
15000 United States WWV
17790 Canada Radio Canada Intl
17810 Netherlands Radio Netherlands
17895 United States Voice of America
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Osterreich 1 News (Austria) still transmits in English - 4 minutes of it.

I guess they haven't totally shut down their English broadcast service.
They are transmitting a 3 to 4 minute news brief in English,
followed by one in French. Today's news was about the natural gas
cutoffs and the Israel-Gaza war.
Great signal from South Carolina. All 3 minutes of it.
I guess they still care......
Monday, January 12, 2009
A few new AM dxing listings
New stations identified, midnight to 1:30AM EST 1/12/2009
1300 WNQM - Nashville, TN (5000 watts) (342 miles)
1440 WGMI - Breman, GA (62 watts) (209 miles)
1440 WLWI - Montgomery, AL (1000 watts) (297 miles)
730 KQPN - West Memphis, AR (1000 watts) (497 miles)
I wonder if WGMI is transmitting on day power (2500 watts)??
Also picked up 1310, an oldies station, which is probably CIWW out of Ottawa, Canada but did not hear station ID.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Shortwave Dxing from 0200-0255UTC 1/11/2009
only English unless noted
2500 WWV (Fair) - Time Signal
3145 WWRB (good) - Brother Stair
3185 WWRB (very good)
3215 WWCR #1 (very good)
5000 WWV (fair) - time signal
5025 CUBA - Cuban Music station
5050 WWRB (good) - playing Treasure of Truth
5070 WWCR #3 (good but got worse)
5110 WBCQ (bad) - barely heard it and only for a minute
5890 WWCR #4 (good) - Scriptures for America
5935 WWCR #2 (very good) - The Scott's preaching
5950 Taiwan (good) - relayed from WYFR in Florida
6000 Cuba (very good)
6010 Sweden (fair) - 0230utc, lots of noise and interference
6040 VATICAN (very good)
6090 WLD (good) - more Scott's preaching
6120 IRAN (poor) - barely heard, signed off at 230UTC
6140 CUBA (very good)
6175 VIETNAM (fair to good) - relayed from Canada, on at 0230 UTC
6190 SERBIA (fair to poor) - heard ID and not much else
6200 CZECH (fair) - Radio Prague
6240 RUSSIA (fair) - usually comes in better
7305 VATICAN (good) - ident to 6040
7345 CZECH (fair) - identical to 6200
7440 UKRAINE?? (very good) - probably in Ukrainian, they've been off the air lately
7505 WRNO (good) - playing mostly music, soliciting for people to broadcast, hope it works for them
7535 EGYPT (poor) - barely heard, got ID, much interference
7850 CHU (fair) - Canada time signal
Edit: I keep putting in 2008 as the year......
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Grundig Globe Travler G3
I'm buying it when it comes out.
All AM stations listened to from 11/2008 to 1/2009
27 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington DC, Florida, Georgia,
Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Lousiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan
Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Also listened to Canada and probably Mexico (unconfirmed)
24 states that I have not copied a signal (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii, California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Delaware.
530 WWRB Okeechobee, FL
550 WDUN Gainesville, GA
560 WVOC Columbia, SC
570 WWNC Asheville, NC
580 WGAC Augusta, GA
600 WREC Memphis, TN
610 WOID Miami, FL
620 WGCV Cayce, SC
620 WRJZ Knoxville, TN
620 WDAE St. Petersburg, FL
630 WMAL Washington, DC
640 WGST Atlanta, GA
650 WSM Nashville, TN
660 WFAN New York, NY
660 WLFJ Greenville, SC
670 WSCR Chicago, IL
680 WPTF Raleigh, NC
690 WIST New Orleans, LA
700 WLW Cincinnati, OH
710 WOR New York, NY
720 WGN Chicago, IL
740 CFZM Canada - Edit: thanks for the correction
740 KRMG Tulsa, OK
750 WSB Atlanta, GA
760 WJR Detroit, MI
770 WABC New York, NY
780 WBBM Chicago, IL
790 WNIS Norfolk, VA
810 WGY Schenectady, NY
820 WBAP Dallas, TX
830 WTRU Greensboro, NC
840 WHAS Louisville, KY
840 WCEO Columbia, SC
850 WKVL Knoxville, TN
850 KOA Denver, CO
860 CJBC Toronto, ON
860 WEVA Emporia, VA
870 WWL New Orleans, LA
880 WCBS New York, NY
890 WLS Chicago, IL
890 WBAJ Columbia, SC
910 WJCW Johnson City, TN
920 WGKA Atlanta, GA
940 WMAC Macon, GA
950 WORD Spartanburg, SC
960 WFIR Roanoke, VA
970 WGTK Louisville, KY
990 WNML Knoxville, TN
1000 WMVP Chicago, IL
1010 WINS New York, NY
1020 KDKA Pittsburgh, PA
1030 WBZ Boston, MA
1040 WHO Des Moines, IA
1040 WYSL Rochester, NY
1050 WFAM Augusta, GA
1060 KYW Philadelphia, PA
1070 WFNI Indianapolis, IN
1080 WHOO Orlando, FL
1080 KRLD Dallas, TX
1080 WKJK Louisville, KY
1080 WTIC Hartford, CT
1090 WBAL Baltimore, MD
1090 KAAY Little Rock, AR
1090 WCZZ Greenwood, SC
1100 WTAM Cleveland, OH
1110 WBT Charlotte, NC
1120 KMOX St. Louis, MO
1130 WBBR New York, NY
1140 WRVA Richmond, VA
1150 WCRK Morrsitown, TN
1160 WCFO Atlanta, GA
1170 WWVA Wheeling WV
1170 WQVA Lexington, SC
1180 WHAM Rochester, NY
1190 WOWO Fort Wayne, IN
1200 WOAI San Antonio, TX
1200 WJES Saluda, SC
1210 WPHT Philadelphia, PA
1220 WHKW Cleveland, OH
1230 WOIC Columbia, SC
1240 WKDK Newberry, SC
1260 WCHV Charlottesville, VA
1280 WANS Anderson, SC
1290 WTKS Savannah, GA
1320 WISW Columbia, SC
1360 WCHL Chapel Hill, NC
1370 WVIE Baltimore, MD
1370 WSPD Toledo, OH
1380 WKJV Asheville, NC
1380 WYNF Augusta, GA
1400 WCOS Columbia, SC
1410 WIQR Prattville, AL
1420 WHK Cleveland, OH
1430 WBLR Batesburg-Leesville, SC
1460 WEWO Laurinburg, NC
1470 WQXL Columbia, SC
1470 WRGA Rome, GA
1500 WFED Washington, DC
1510 WLAC Nashville, TN
1520 KOKC Oklahoma City, OK
1530 WCKY Cincinnati, OH
1560 WQEW New York, NY
1560 WAGL Lancaster, SC
1590 WKTP Kingsport, TN
1620 WNRP Pensacola, FL
1630 WRDW Augusta, GA
1640 WTNI Biloxi, MS
1650 WHKT Portsmouth, VA
1660 WFNA Charlotte, NC
1690 WMLB Atlanta, GA
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
YES!!! KOA Denver received on my Grundig S350DL
It was faint, it was maybe 2 minutes max, but I heard the call letters twice with a traffic report. 1340 miles as a the crow flies, a new record!! WOO HOO
Grundig to introduce a G8 shortwave radio
Just some shortwave stuff 0330-0400 UTC
2500 - WWV - tick tock at the tone......
3145 - WWRB Brother Stair
3185 - WWRB
3215 - WWCR 1
3350 - SPAIN - R. Exterior de Espana - in Spanish
5000 - WWV tick tock tick tock
5070 - WWCR 3
5875 - WHRI - World Harvest Radio
6000 - CUBA
6005 - BBC - weak
6010 - SWEDEN - fair to good signal
6090 - WLD - Melissa Scott
6110 - ALBANIA - sounded strong but weak modulation
6140 - CUBA
6175 - VIETNAM - poor signal but listenable
7255 - BBC - pretty good here
1090 - KAAY Little Rock, AR - more Brother stair
Monday, January 5, 2009
SW loggings 0400-0430utc 1/5/2008
Using Grundig 350DL receiver
3145 - USA, WWRB, Brother Stair
3185 - USA, WWRB
3215 - USA, WWCR #1
5000 - USA, WWV, time signal
5070 - USA, WWCR #3
5890 - USA, WWCR #4 Scriptures for America
5935 - USA, WLD Unversity Network
5950 - USA, WYFR Family Radio
6000 - Cuba, Radio Habana
6020 - Turkey, Voice of Turkey
6080 - Czech Republic, Radio Prague
6090 - USA, WLD University Network
6115 - Romania
6140 - Cuba, Radio Habana
6240 - Russia, Voice of Russia
6915 - USA, WYFR Family Radio
7160 - Zambia, CVC International
7315 - France, Radio France International
7335 - Russia, Voice of Russia
7505 - USA, WRNO
9505 - USA, WYFR Family Radio
9680 - USA, WYFR Family Radio
9955 - USA, WRMI Radio Miami International