Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yes Virginia, they still do play English music on shortwave

One hour each week, the Mighty KBC aims their antenna toward North America 6110khz and gives you an hour of music just like how AM stations used to play it in the 1970's along with the DJ. From 9pm to 10pm EST or 0200-0300 UTC. That's Saturday night EST. The transmitter is lsupposed to be located in Lithuania.

They have a signal on 6055 khz with a signal direction slightly different than 6110. Those shows include the "Wolfman Jack show" from 2130-2230 UTC Mon-Fri. But that puts its on the air here in the east coast at 0430pm to 0530pm, not exactly the best time for the signal to travel from Lithuania.

They even run commercial ads, they are running one for radios for European truckers.

Hearing it fine right now with some fading but no interference just using the whip antenna on the Grundig G6.

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